Welcome to the Starch Grain Database! Here you can find images of starch grains, collected from modern plant species.
The images are organized by family. The families currently represented in the database:
Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Araceae, Bixaceae, Brassicaceae, Convolvuvaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cycadaceae, Cyperaceae, Dioscoraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Heliconiaceae, Juncaceae, Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Malvaceae, Marantaceae, Moraceae, Musaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae, Typhaceae, and Zingiberaceae.
Images in the collection include native plants from Mesoamerica, North and South America, Oceania, China, South East Asia, and West Africa. This page is under construction, so keep coming back to check for new additions. The aim is to create a database that scholars can consult, and also a place where starch-grain research can expand. Photos of damaged grains (mechanical or heat) are also included whenever possible. Photos have been taken under polarized light (labeled "polarized" or "PL"), transmitted light (labeled as "transmitted" or "TL"), or using differential interference contrast (DIC).
If you're interested in submitting photos from your own research (i.e. reference collection) to include on this page, please contact me. You'll receive full credits for your images, and photos can be linked to your email, project website, etc.
As usual, I appreciate any feedback, questions, and suggestions. Feel free to use these images for your research or interest, but I would appreciate if you could kindly cite the website and/or the photographer in your work. Thank you! ¡Gracias!
Mangifera indica L.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South Asia
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South Asia
Annona cherimola Mill.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South America
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South America
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400

Xanthosoma sp.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Bixa orellana L.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica
Brassica rapa var. rapa L.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 600
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 600
Raphanus sativus var. sativus
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 600
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 600

Cucurbita pepo L.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Cucurbita pepo L.
Photo: Stephanie Simms
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica
Photo: Stephanie Simms
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Cycas media R. Br.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Cycas revoluta Thunb.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Cyperus fuscus L.
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia

Dioscorea alata L.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania

Dioscorea balcanica
Photo: V. Raman
Magnification x 400
Project: Europe

Dioscorea bulbifera L.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania

Dioscorea nummularia Roxb.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania

Dioscorea polystacha Turcz.
Photo: V. Raman
Magnification x 100
Project: Asia

Dioscorea rotundata Poir.
Photo: V. Raman
Magnification x 400
Project: Africa

Dioscorea trifida L.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania

Manihot esculenta Crantz.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. & C. Fraser
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Cicer arietinum L.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Lens culinaris Medik.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 100
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 100
Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400

Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek
Photo: Sheahan Bestel
Magnification: x 400
Project: China
Quercus kelloggii Newb.
Photo: J. Wisely
Magnification x 400
Project: North America
Photo: J. Wisely
Magnification x 400
Project: North America
Juncus sp.
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Persea americana Mill.
Photo: C.Cagnato
Magnification x 600
Project: Mesoamerica
Photo: C.Cagnato
Magnification x 600
Project: Mesoamerica
Calochortus monophyllus (Lindl.) Lem.
Photo: J. Wisely
Magnification x 400
Project: North America
Photo: J. Wisely
Magnification x 400
Project: North America

Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R. Br.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400

Brosimum alicastrum Sw.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 400
Project: Mesoamerica
Musa acuminata
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South East Asia
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South East Asia

Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification X 400
Project: Mesoamerica
Piper methysticum L.
Photo: R. Blackledge/W. Moorehead
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Photo: R. Blackledge/W. Moorehead
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania

Eragrostis parviflora (R. Br.) Trin.
Photo: J. Field
Magnification x 400
Project: Oceania
Hordeum vulgare L.
Photo: A. Gautam
Magnification: x 400
Photo: A. Gautam
Magnification: x 400
Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 100
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 100
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Triticum aestivum L.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400

Zea mays (Dent variety)
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Zea mays (Popcorn variety)
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica

Zea mays (Flint variety)
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification x 400
Project: Mesoamerica
Solanum tuberosum L.
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South America
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South America
Typha angustifolia L.
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Photo. L. Brambilla Gasques
Project: Anatolia
Curcuma longa L.
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Photo: Astha
Magnification: x 400
Zingiber officinale Roscoe
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South East Asia
Photo: C. Cagnato
Magnification: x 600
Project: South East Asia